An FWA Story by Ramon Chiratheep and Parwez Aullymun
Above on some cloud high in the sky, an ethereal being was watching a desk buried with papers on another distant shore. The papers hadn't moved for what seemed like years. Suddenly, one of those papers seemed to twitch. The ethereal being gave a sigh of relief and quickly used her x-ray vision to assess the situation. What she saw made the relief that she had just felt moments before fade, fast. Something was very wrong.
Underneath the pile of papers sat a human being, transfixed at the letters before her. Those letters were meant to make up her novel. Sadly, they did not. Instead of a novel, they resembled a bunch of unreadable squiggles, filled with corrections in red pen and Tippex. Suddenly, the human being began to sob, trickles of her tears splashing onto the paper. Her mascara (and her nose) was also beginning to run. It was not a pretty sight.
This ethereal being was in fact a Muse. On most days, she sat behind her author, gave her moral support, got her out of plot holes, stocked her author's shelves with a never ending supply of bacon and oddly-shaped cupcakes – Muses knew that their authors had to eat, but hadn't quite grasped the concept of healthy eating yet – and, most importantly, warded off Inner Editors, who were sure to strike when the author was at his/her lowest.
The Inner Editors and the Muses had a well-documented war. Whilst Muses liked the flow of ideas and creativity, congratulated you on the smallest idea (no matter how crap they thought it was – they kept their thoughts to themselves), and kept you on task, Inner Editors were, well, the opposite. They did not care about ideas, creativity, or even if the plot made sense. All they were concerned about were grammar, spelling, and beautiful, beautiful prose.
Needless to say, they hated each others' guts.
Cassie, this particular Muse, had chosen the wrong time to go on vacation. However, in her defence, Muses were usually only busy during November, when NaNoWriMo started, and stupid authors attempted to write 50000 words in a month.
It was August when Cassie decided to go on holiday. Her author had been bored and listless for the past month, with no signs of imminent recovery. Cassie's author only wrote in short bursts of 140 characters on social networking websites, and although she had an idea for a story, it seemed like it would be a long time before it actually started to make any sense – Cassie had found that excessive Muse meddling could slow a story down, instead of speeding it up.
Cassie decided to use this to her advantage, and take a well-earned (albeit illegal) break. “After all, at this stage, her author wouldn't even notice she had gone!”, she had reasoned with herself. “And sure, she'll have to feed herself for a week, but she'll manage...”
But what Cassie didn't count on was her author being struck by a rare form of inspiration in her absence.
...Which was when the Inner Editors decided to strike.
Cassie had to return to her author immediately. Shoving all the tacky souvenirs she had accumulated into her bottomless Mary Poppins bag, she began to make her journey down towards her author's neighbourhood... Forgetting one minor detail. She wasn't permitted to fly until next year.
During her holiday, she had recently had a run-in with the Muse Board of Law Enforcement, and had had her licence revoked for Dangerous Flying.
It also didn't help matters that she'd threatened to taser every person involved in the loss of her licence. In addition to not being able to fly, everyone from the Muse Board of Law Enforcement had filed a restraining order against her.
Cassie soon found herself reluctantly materialising onto a Muse Airlines plane. Cassie hated planes. They were expensive, took longer to reach your destination, and you couldn't throw things at annoying strangers without being kicked off the plane for “antisocial behaviour”.
“Going somewhere, Cassie?” an all too familiar voice whispered in her ear. “A last-minute ticket to, and I quote, 'somewhere on Earth', will be 2500 Marshmallows.”
Frankie possessed the annoying 'gift' of being able to read Cassie's mind.
Cassie had known Frankie ever since she was a little Musette. Although her feelings towards him were usually of exasperation and annoyance, he was the only friend she had ever had. Or possibly the only person that could put up with her.
Cassie grumbled and muttered swearwords under her breath as she rummaged around in her bag for the correct fare. Her stock of Marshmallows, Muse currency, was running dangerously low.
“It's your own fault that you're out of Marshmallows. You did get 'involved' with that Inner Editor last year...” Frankie was suddenly cut off by the heavy object that had made a connection with his head. It fell to the floor with a clunk. “Oi!” he yelled. It was a bloody cheek, throwing a book at a Muse.
“If you don't stop reading my mind, you'll be hanging from this plane by your underpants tomorrow.” Cassie shot him a death glare. In Museland, looks could really kill if you weren't careful.
Blocking the glare, Frankie said under his breath, “Ooh... I think I just hit a nerve...”
“I heard that!” came the sarky reply.
The next day, Cassie was awoken rudely with a kick to her backside. She found herself flying through the air, then landing in a crumpled heap outside her author's house.
“Muse Airlines at your service,” winked Frankie from the stationary plane, not far away from where she lay. “I trust that you had a pleasant flight. For 500 extra Marshmallows, you could have been woken minus the kick.”
Cassie, still half-asleep, glanced up at him and only responded with a gesture that is known universally to every being in existence.
“Fine, be like that.” Frankie grinned, and then the whole Muse Airlines jet disappeared in a peal of black smoke. Coughing, she thought, “That can't be good for the environment.”
She barely had time to think before she was glomped incessantly by someone she only knew too well; a character that she and her author had spent years developing before. As the character was out of the book, this could mean only one thing: this character was dead, and her author was responsible.
“Oh.”, was her only thought, before she slipped into unconsciousness
Cassie woke up to find herself tied in a room that was all in white. The floor, the wall and the roof were all in white. “Am I dead” she started murmuring. Many hours passed, yet nothing was happening. She was agonising. She could not stand it anymore.. she started crawling .. All her powers were dead.. As if a magic button was pressed and nothing was happening. She tried to stand up. Still her feet were too weak. As if she was drugged. She started knocking her head against the floor. Shouting and crying for help. She was begging for her liberty and at least understand what was happening. She gathered some courage, and tried to take some grip from the wall. She finally stood up jumping with both her legs tied she was unable to walk. The most mysterious thing to happen to Cassie in her life.. she started to feel pain. Something she could never possibly ever think about.
Every now and then, a drop of water would drip from the roof.. “Tlik” …’Tlik” that was scaring Cassie off. She was feeling so unsecure for the first time. Tears started rolling down her cheeks. She could no more stand it… that bright light reflecting on the whiteness of that room freaked her out. It was unbearable. She could no more say what time it was. She could not sleep although it seemed that it was since ages that she was in that room. She had absolutely no idea who could be doing such a vile trick on her. She tried to figure out, but nothing was coming to her mind. She was feeling so miserable. Time passed by, god knows how many hours passed, days could be, Cassie started loosing her mind.. Laughter was her only response. “hahaha what a joke hahaha’ were the only words that one could hear. That sweet voice of hers turned out to be the sound of a witch laughing.
Cassie became a living corpse that could be found. Cassie could no more stand up, she could no more move. The door finally opened. The inner editor entered the room. A whip in her hand. With a lot of difficulty, Cassie tried to open her eyes; she saw the red and black dress. She barely had any force. She tried to move. That was the wrong thing... She was whipped. The pain was so hard for that little Musette that she fell unconscious. Who could ever imagine the cruelty of those inner Editors? The inner editors wanted to teach a lesson to the muses and wanted the muses to be like them. It was unacceptable for them to have words with feelings. “Everything is a matter of vocabulary and grammar.” That was the motto of the Inner Editors.
In the meantime, the muses found out that Cassie was missing. The news spread to all over the world. All the muses were worried. It never happened before for a muse to go missing. A day or two was OK, but more than a week was not good at all. The inner editors were very cunning. They did not inform the muses at once what they had done. They started to see the panic in the muse society and the chaos that would happen. All sorts of rumours were spreading about Cassie. Some even figured out that the Plutomartian ally came down to earth to kidnap Cassie and do experiments on her body. The moral of the muses were at its low. Then a Friday, the news finally broke. “Write correctly and write better stories, or else your friend will be killed.” How could they. The whole universe was aware of the enmity between muses and inner editors, but to the point of kidnapping and killing, that was unthinkable.
The whole world could feel the pain that all the muses were having. There were concerts to free Cassie all over the world. Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Port Mathurin and Plaine des papayes even participated in the event. The Inner Editors were not happy at all to see the world sympathizing with the muses. But that was the love the world had towards the muses because they would never have done such a vile thing to the Inner Editors. Worst of all , Cassie’s writer threatened to commit suicide if Cassie was not freed. Frankie was devastated by the news. In the meantime, Cassie was unaware of what was happening outside. All the Inner Editors were telling her that the other muses are asking for Cassie’s death. She could not believe it. “it’s all lies” Cassie yelled. “Let me free”
Nothing could be done. Frankie who had a few friends in the hacking world tried to figure out where the hide out of these inner editors was. After having hacked several hundreds of computers all over the world, they finally seemed to find a common place all the time.. and that’s not too far from Oxford circus in a well guarded secret bunker. So many things went wrong since the last few days in the world. Can you imagine a world with books without any emotion? that’s impossible. Even the banks were having difficulties. Writers who took loans to publish their books could no more Continue to write as the muses were unable to do what they were supposed to do, too terrified since what had happen. The Credit crunch started to take form. Publishers who used to be here since centuries faced financial difficulties and had to close down.
The head of the inner editors wears a red bandana with a black dress. Frankie could no more stand it. He broke into the bunker together with his friend James. James works for the government and is an ardent fan of Cassie. Cassie was terrified down there. The Inner Editors had done so many experiments on her. They even took away all her magical powers and treated her like a laboratory rat. Frankie studied the bunker well with his GPS and decided to use an entrance that the inner editors were not using. He got in, threw the smoke bomb and with his Infra red Vision glasses, he dashed to the room where Cassie was being imprisoned.
He took her on his shoulders and ran through the smoke towards the exit. Meanwhile James was at the back covering the whole operation with his Magum miko star gun made of chocolate and pistachio which was a real poison for the inner editors who consumed only Ravioli and sea urchins as desserts. The Muses’ special forces finally came to the rescue mission. They brought with them 64 doctors and 327 Nurses. They did not want to lose Cassie.